To experience my main point about the app, I invite you to read this, breathing only between sentences. I have no issue with the content of this app, but I am troubled with the difficulty I have had in accessing that content given that the material is presented in daily packets, each over an hour long accompanied by a sort of table of contents in which you either dedicate yourself to spending over an hour to sit through the entire show, including several musical interludes, or attempt to hunt for a desired segment by sliding the progress bar to where the part you want to hear might be only to have landed several segments away then in your third attempt, land in the middle of what you were looking for and in backing up, find yourself listening to several minutes of some nice but irrelevant song or the tail end of the prior story all of which by now has rendered you out of time for that visit. Its like Im back in the seventies with a cassette tape player, blindly searching for that favorite cut. I might have given this app a fourth star had it been free or a buck but for $3, it was a stretch to give it three. I expected a little more functionality. for example, converting that ToC to hypertext so that tapping on a selection causes the playback of the podcast to jump to the beginning of that selection.